Individuals to make a difference to
the local community
Become a local community warden, receive full training and improve your social and relationship skills If you care about your local community and would like to get
involved, speak to one of our community wardens or visit the website to see how you can get involved
Community Support:
The Business and Community warden Programme is an offshoot of the Finsbury Park Business Forum, a not-for-profit organisation based in Islington, London which was originally initiated to act as a resource for business start-ups: offering information and guidance to people wanting to go into business for themselves.
Our Community Wardens:
Working in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police our community Wardens are there to assist members of the public and promote
confidence in the local
Finsbury Park Business Forum
Working to improve local business
Supporting the Finsbury Park community and local business, the Finsbury Park Business Forum is the big voice for local businesses in Finsbury Park and surrounding boroughs. The ‘Forum’ is your one stop-shop for information on local businesses and amenities and business tools for the development of your business. The forum is funded by subscription, sponsorships, donations and grants.